April Magazine 2023
April 1, 2023Archery Club News – April 2023
April 1, 2023Conservation Corner – April 2023
I was talking with Jerry Pintar the WHRRI track manager at the last Fish fry on Friday. He tells me that the good people out at the track are doing their part to help protect our environment. All those cars generate waste oils, fluids of various types that are collected and hauled away for reprocessing. Metals like brakes, wheels, and other car parts are also collected for recycling! He also tells me that they are trying their hardest to not remove trees or any greenery from inside or around the track……If it is not a safety issue…it stays to keep our campus as natural as possible. Good to know!!!
March 25th and 26th Shawn Shilling and I represented our club at the Michigan United Conservation Club’s (MUCC) annual convention in Mount Pleasant. The purpose of the convention is to give MUCC member clubs like ours a chance to vote on proposed resolutions that set the agenda for MUCC’s lobbying efforts. The resolutions themselves are developed by member clubs then they are sent to the MUCC policy board for revision and formatting and then taken to the convention. It is a great way for clubs to get more involved with hunting, fishing, and shooting sports legislation.
If you have any conservation or habitat improvement ideas or would like to participate in OCSC’s conservation efforts please contact me.
I am always looking for volunteers to help. The next Clinton River ‘Adopt a Stream” river monitoring will be May 6th 2023. Contact me or www.crwc.org if you are interested in learning more. If you have any conservation or habitat improvement ideas or would like to participate in OCSC’s conservation efforts please contact me.
Yours in Conservation,
Chris Finazzo
[email protected]