Who We Are

We collect, pack, and mail needed items to our Troops. Always including words of encouragement and hope. Adding extra items to pass out the native people of the countries that our Troops are stationed in. Throwing in some fun stuff or school supplies to give to the children. In other words we show our Troops they are not forgotten in deeds, not just words. Changing our world, one box at a time ~  Making a difference!

OCSC is an Offical Drop Off Location for Supplies.  We schedule “Packing Parties” to pack the supplies in mailboxes sending them to troops.  If you’d like to help us with this mission, please see the list of supplies needed below.

Other Drop off Location: Click N Ship Office

Supply Donations

Pop tarts, granola bars, pre-sweetened cereal, cereal bars, oatmeal, protein bars, powdered dry milk, and sugar. Peanut butter, jam, protein bars, slim jims, beef jerky, tuna, canned chicken, fruit cups, pasta, mac ’n’ cheese, chow mein meals, noodles in a cup, ramen noodles and tortilla shells.

Rice Krispy treats, lifesavers, cookies, nuts, raisins, dried fruit, trail mix, pringles, pretzels, crackers, sun flower seeds, gum, skittles, licorice, tootsie rolls, and hard candy. (Brownies and chocolates only sent during the month of October thru March)

Coffee, tea, sugar packets, creamer, hot chocolate, gatorade, crystal light, sweetened kool-aid, instant coffee, soup and energy drinks

Desert Angels Need Your Help

Baby wipes, stick deodorant, Q-tips, chap stick, body wash, bar soap, eye drops, individual kleenex packs, razors, toothpaste, tooth brushes, manicure sets, Cortaid & Benadryl creams, BioFreeze, foot care products, travel size toiletries, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, tampons, menstrual pads, (NO Aerosol, nail polish nor perfume; check USPC online for restrictions)

Socks, travel size pillows, pillow cases, wash clothes, large bandanas, neck coolers, t-shirts, small zip lock bags and hand warmers

Footballs, soccer balls, hand held games, DVDs, music CDs, crossword puzzles, activity books and playing cards.

K9 Items: Only Upon K9 Handler Request:
Pet shampoo, salve for paws and noses, eye drops, ear wash, nail clippers, brushes and collapsible dog bowls. (K9s on special diet; NO dog food)

Fun stuff, or anything else to let them know we care!

Blank cards – they can send to their loved ones

Desert Angels Blue - DA Blue

We take snack baskets to local police officers.

Contact DA Blue and we will make a “DA Blue snack basket” for your favorite police department or officer!!

Contact: [email protected]   248 736 6403

Desert Angels at Work at OCSC

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