All new members must attend a New Member Orientation.  The purpose is to introduce you to all aspects of OCSC, inform you of range rules, hours of operation, and answer any questions that you may have about your membership.  You will not receive a Membership Card until you attend an Orientation and you must have a card to utilize club facilities.  New Member Orientation is scheduled at 6:30 PM just prior to the General Membership Meetings (the evening of “Approval” dates).  Orientations are held at the indoor pistol range across the parking lot from the Main Club House.  Keep in mind that OCSC membership is a “family” membership; the member, the member’s spouse, their children under the age of 18, their grandchildren under the age of 18.  Your family is encouraged to attend Orientation as well.

Outside of OCSC
OCSC Pro-rated pricing
Please download the appropriate application, fill it out, and bring it into the club with your payment.