Conservation Corner – April 2023
April 1, 2023
Desert Angels at Work – April 2023
April 1, 2023Archery Club News – April 2023
Winter Archery Leagues have wrapped up for the Winter season! With the crazy weather at the end of February and early March we had to cancel several League and Instructional Archery days. Based on the League Secretaries’ discretion some of these dates will be made up. It gets difficult when Mother Nature throws us a curve ball! The Winter Banquet is scheduled for April l5th with another great menu planned.
Watch for announcements for the Summer Leagues beginning the first week of May.
The Tuesday morning workbees got a lot accomplished during the winter months. The outdoor courses are looking much better with all the brush and dead trees that have been cleaned up. There is a big push on to get the outdoor courses in tip top shape for the busy summer ahead. We have several very important shoots planned for the summer including the Midwest Safari Triple Crown, the North America Field Archery Championship (NAFAC), and the Michigan Log Bow Association 3D Shoot. These high-profile shoots are along with all of our regular summer leagues and shoot events!
In order to hold events and maintain the Archery Club to the high standard that is expected we want to get more of our members involved. We have a very dedicated core group, but they cannot do all that is required. A list of tasks is being compiled and we will be asking our members for input on how we can get you involved. We have had suggestions to hold evening and weekend workbees for the members that are working and cannot make the morning workbees. We even have tasks that can be done at home on your own time. How do we get you involved with your club? We welcome all input!
Our reverse raffle drawing, to build the Signature Shooting Stand, will take place on April 22nd at 5:30pm in the Main Club House. The grand prize for this raffle is $2500.00. There will be $50 payouts for every 25th ticket drawn. The chance of winning is good as only 150 tickets will be sold!
Please join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. We are starting to see some members come to the meetings with
great suggestions and input! The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club
Make sure you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as
our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
As always I encourage you to come and get involved with the Archery Club. We have a great group of folks!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President