Remembering John Shaw
May 1, 2022
SCSA (steel challenge) at OCSC
May 1, 2022Spring has sprung and we are looking forward to seeing so many more of you out and about around the club participating in all the activities we have to enjoy here!
As far as the Shotgun Club goes, we will continue to run our leagues and hold our steak & shoots to help to promote our club to different factions that are not all current members. We always hope to recruit new members throughout the year. We encourage you to come on out and bring a friend to compete with or against some of our more experienced shooters. We’re always up for a challenge.
If you have a group or party you would like to have a steak & shoot for, please contact Dan Valentini at 248-752-6562 for available dates and more info.
As Always,
Stay Safe-Shoot Often! Dan Valentini-President OCSC Shotgun Club