Sticky Tires News Letter – July 2022
July 1, 2022
Shotgun News July 2022
July 1, 2022Well, the end of May and the beginning of June have really been busy!
To start off, I can’t say enough about the job Monique Mattson and her crew did for our 1st annual ladies adventure day! I don’t know what else to say other than, great job, thanks, congratulations, nice home run! Not only was the day itself a huge success, but later in the week on Thursday, June 4th at 8pm, a fantastic episode of Michigan out of Doors was broadcast. We had a great watch party in our bar, and I couldn’t be more proud in all of the sub-clubs that participated in the event. You guys really made the club shine! Many thanks to Monique and her crew!
I’d like to point out that this is what can happen when one member has an idea to try something new and innovative, and then sticks with it from start to finish.
Last year Joe Knowlton started up the Trunk or Treat event, and I’m already hearing that it’s in the planning stages for this year. Don’t be intimidated to step up to the plate and make suggestions to try something new! That’s what will keep this club fresh and alive!
Now I have a few housekeeping issues. First off, our new and much needed bar floor is finally in and looks awesome! Only problem is you now notice when someone drops a kernel of popcorn on the floor, LOL! Come up to the club and check it out.
Next, we’ve got some campground issues. If you are planning on coming out to camp, please stop at the office to notify them you are bringing your vehicle out. We have to make sure there are no special events going on. Please also remember that the campground is not a storage yard!
That’s about all I have for now, stay tuned to our e-blasts, website, Facebook, and club magazine. There are many new and exciting events going on at OCSC.
I hope to see you there, Gary