Shotgun News – June 2022
June 1, 2022
President’s Message June 2022
June 1, 2022We wrapped up the Winter Leagues with the Spring Archery Banquet. It was so nice to have a banquet again this year after not being able to the past two years.
The kitchen staff did an amazing job with dinner. I heard many comments about how good the dinner was. I also want to thank the bartenders we had for the banquet. We had a large turnout and the bartenders took great care of everyone.
We wouldn’t be able to have leagues without the fantastic League Secretaries we have at the Archery Club! I don’t think it would be possible to find a better group of League Secretaries than what we have.
All-League and Club Championship awards were presented at the banquet along with the ‘Archer of the Year’ award. This is the most prestigious award presented by the Archery Club. Ron Gerchow was the recipient of the award this year for his many contributions to the Archery Club. Congrats Ron!
Summer leagues are underway. They started the first week of May. 3D leagues shoot on Tuesdays starting at 9:00am and 4:00pm and Field & Hunter leagues shoot on Thursdays starting at 9:00am and 4:00pm. If you haven’t joined a league at least come out and shoot along on one of the scheduled day and times. As a clarification, even though we list a starting time you actual have a two hour window from that time to start shooting the league.
Based on the interest we are seeing, we are going to have a summer FITA League again. This will start the first week of June on Wednesday evenings and will run for eight weeks. Watch for further details.
Archery Workbees are well underway. We meet every Wednesday morning at 9:00am at the Archery Club. There is always a lot to do around the club and we have some ambitious projects planned for the summer. Come out and join us if you can and add to your club work hours!
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building.
If you would like to be put on distribution for the Archery Club Meeting minutes please contact me with your e-mail address. [email protected]
Hope to see you this summer on our beautiful outdoor courses!
– Mike McGinnis, Archery Club President