Friends of the OCSC
January 1, 2024
D.R. Wilson Rifle and Pistol Club & Action Pistol Range
January 1, 2024

It’s getting busy around the Archery Club!
As of this writing we have already had two well attended Smackdowns. These are very popular shoots with many very good archers. It’s really nice to have them come out to our club and attend these shoots. I do want to give recognition to Rob Yahrmarkt for his outstanding work organizing these shoots.
We are preparing for a busy weekend of IAA 3D shooting. On December 15th, 16th, and 17th we will be hosting an IAA Indoor 3D shoot. 30 targets are set up on our indoor range. The shoot will probably already have taken place by the time you read this, but as in the past we expect a very good turnout. Hopefully you have seen the flyer and are planning to take part in this shoot.
There will be an evening line on Friday the 15th at 7:00pm, a 9:00am morning and 1:00pm afternoon line on Saturday the 16th, and a 10:00am morning line on Sunday the 17th. This shoot is open to everyone and there is a class for everyone to shoot in! Registration is open and will remain open up until the time of the shoot.
Winter Leagues and Instructional start the first week in January as follows:
Saturday Instructional begins on Saturday January 6th and runs until March 9th.
There are two sessions each Saturday morning. The first session is from 8:00 – 9:30am and the second is from 10:00 – 11:30am. This is a very economical instructional program primarily geared to the new archers. The club provides all the equipment so come out and try out this great sport. Watch for the flyer with more details.
Leagues begin as follows:
January 2nd (Tuesday) – Animal League at 7:00pm
January 3rd (Wednesday) – NFAA League at 9:30am
January 4th (Thursday) – NFAA League at 6:00pm
January 5th (Friday) – NFAA League at 7:00pm
January 6th (Saturday) – Instructional Archery Sessions start at 8:00am and 10:00am.
– Youth League at 1:00pm (10 week league)
January 7th (Sunday) – FITA League (450Round) at 6:00pm
January 8th (Monday) – Traditional Leagues at 9:00am and 7:00pm
All leagues (unless noted) are 12 weeks in length. Check the archery club website for a comprehensive description of the leagues.
The next Instructional Program through the Township Parks and Recs will start on Wednesday January 17th with sessions at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. These sessions run for 10 weeks. You are advised to sign up early as the last session filled up quickly.
We continue to improve / maintain our ranges with the help of a bunch of great volunteers. You will notice that the indoor range concrete floor has been repainted. It’s improvements like this that make our range look great and it does get noticed!
We are putting together a group to work on promotions. We have a great club and know we can do a better job promoting the Archery Club and our activities. One thing about the club is we have a lot of talent and it just needs to be discovered. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact myself or Ron Hall to express your interest. We need some new ideas!
Another exciting item of interest is that a date for the Midwest Safari Triple Crown has been set. Our club will be hosting this shoot, again this year, on July 6th. Make sure to put this shoot on your schedule. Last year we had 103 archers on the course and I expect to have more this year. You really do not want to miss this one!
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building starting at 7:00pm.
Our entire 2024 Archery Schedule is posted on our Archery Website listed below.
I encourage you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
I encourage you to come out and participate in our leagues, shoots, and instructional programs this Winter!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President