The Clan of the Wolf
January 27, 2022
The Bite Feb 2022
January 27, 2022As I sit down to write this month’s Archery Article the Winter Leagues have just started. Unlike last year we do not have to limit the league or instructional participation numbers. Leagues and Instructional Archery will be up and running as normal again! We also plan to resume our Winter Banquet at the end of the leagues. If you haven’t already, come out and join a league (or two), meet some new archers, and maybe try a league you were thinking about but have never shot in before. This is also a good time of year to get the kids out for the Saturday morning Instructional Archery program. It’s never too early to get them introduced to this great sport.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bill Dau for his outstanding follow-up and coordination in getting new furnaces installed in the Archery Building. The range is nice and warm again in time for winter. When you see Bill around the club make sure to thank him for his hard work!
As I mentioned last month we have Archery Board positions open and are looking for a few interested people to fill these spots.
Join us at the monthly Archery Meeting to see what’s going on, and what we are planning around the Archery Club. We have had a number of members join the meeting recently and we welcome your input.
Check the back of the Club Magazine for the dates. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month.
If you would like to be put on distribution for the Archery Club Meeting minutes please contact me with your e-mail address.
Here’s hoping for a much better year in 2022!
See you around the Archery Club!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President