Archery Club News – November 2022
November 1, 2022
Walter E. Perry Scholarship Award Winner – Ben Berryer
November 1, 2022Alas, racing at WHRRI is done for 2022. Race weekend 6 went well. I am impressed by so many racers pitching in to help clean up oil that was spilled on Sunday. I wasn’t able to stay for the Saturday cookout, but I heard it went well. I’m not sure I would have survived if I missed another nephew’s wedding to go racing.
As I wrote last month, no more racing doesn’t mean there is nothing more to do. While the pace isn’t as hectic for Jerry Pintar, there is still plenty to do before winter and snow seal the grounds up until spring. Workbees to close the track for the winter will happen shortly and a couple of track improvement projects will get done.
Last month I also wrote about coming to the Club for dinner. I was there on a Friday night several weeks ago and had a truly good fish dinner. We are all OCSC members, come out and support the Club!
By the time you read this, we will have had our first Worker Appreciation Banquet at OCSC. Our Driver Awards Banquet will be at the Polish American Club on November 12th. We have reduced the price for the banquet.
I will again pester you about cars for Autorama. We need 6 of them entered by early December for the show at Cobo in March.
Come on out to the meetings during the off-season. Eat and drink with your friends and tell tall tales about your racing prowess!
Brian Murphy