WHRRI – Sticky Tires New Letter
January 1, 2023
The Bite – January 2023
January 1, 2023Our “Mystery Safe” raffle was a success! Congratulations to our winners!
I’d like to thank the Friends Committee for their support and efforts to pull this off; Chris Finazzo, Mary Gaedt, Rick Hotchkiss, John LaPine, Bob Miller, Kyle Ondusky, Terry Ondusky, Tim Ondusky, John Towns, Greg Yourst.
I’d also like to give a big thank you to the sub-club donors for their cash contributions to this raffle which allows us to purchase awesome items to fill the safe!
Archery, WHRRI, Muzzleloaders, and a very special thanks to the Women’s Auxiliary which donated $1,000! We’d also like to thank some individual members who made cash donations; Todd Moss, and Joe Kapelczak.
Finally, thank you to all the members who purchased tickets! Without your support, we could not have raised almost $10,000 for the main club!
Hopefully, we’ll be able to do our reverse raffle and “Mystery Safe” raffle again next year!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kelly Finazzo, Friends Committee Chair