MMRA Racing Starts Soon!
March 1, 2023
March Magazine 2023
March 1, 2023Fishing Licenses expire March 31st. Licensing fees go to help our hatcheries produce fish for stocking projects, conservation projects and management of the State’s natural resource. Let’s renew them and get out on the water. Don’t get caught with an expired license!!!
Looking for something to while waiting for spring? The Midwest Fly Fishing Expo will be happening on March 11 and 12 at the Macomb Community College Sports and Expo Center… visit https://midwestflyfishingexpo.com/ for more information.
Your Fishing club will be having a weekly fishing league on Thursdays starting in May. We will pick a different Oakland County lake each week. Meet at the dock with your boat/kayak/canoe/submarine, or join one of the other captains on their boat. Come to a fishing club meeting for more details.
Did you know “Spearfishing” is now legal in Michigan? Since 2022 you can legally dive and spearfish! Usually thought of as a saltwater or tropical waters activity you can now do it in portions of the Great Lakes. There are extensive regulations and mandatory harvest reporting requirements. It is currently on a 3 year trial with the MDNR. Visit MDNR fisheries or https://www.greatlakesspearfishing.com/
Fisheries Order 219.22 Highlights
- All licensed recreational anglers, who intend to engage in underwater spearfishing shall request and be issued a free annual underwater spearfishing license.
- All underwater spearfishing anglers shall provide monthly harvest reports to the Department using an online
reporting tool provided by the Department. - The species and location-specific size limits and daily possession limits shall apply.
- Underwater spearfishing shall be prohibited daily from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise.
- This activity shall be prohibited within 150 feet of designated swimming areas, boat docks, boat access or egress sites and power intake tubes.
- This activity shall be prohibited where placement of a diver-down flag would restrict boater navigation or access to boating access site.
- All spear guns must have the bands unloaded from the spear and the safety on when the diver is moving between fishing areas and when entering and exiting the water.
- Use of artificial breathing devices such as scuba, re-breather or similar devices shall be prohibited while
underwater spearfishing.
Come out to an Oakland County Sport Fishing Club meeting on the third Wednesday of the month @ 7PM.
Christopher Finazzo
President, Oakland County Sport Fishing Club
[email protected]