December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023The Oakland County Sport Fishing Club
Your fishing club is looking forward to hosting an ice fishing event in February on our very own Townsend Lake! It seems a little hard to believe as I sit in my deer blind in 50° weather, but ice is just around the corner.
I have recently had the opportunity to fly fish in some of Michigan’s premier rivers. The Pere Marquette, the Manistee, the Tippy Dam area, Paint Creek, and on all of them I have encountered good people willing to share good information. I know the rule of thumb is that all fishermen tell lies, but if you stay there long enough and ask the right questions, in general, you’ll get valuable information about how where and when to fish. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Speaking of asking questions, I will be stepping away from the president‘s role in the Oakland County Sport Fishing Club soon and I am hoping that one of you out there would be interested in leading this club into the future. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the main clubhouse. It is a fun group with a great bunch of people who know a lot about different styles of fishing. If you are interested or think you know somebody who may be, please contact me directly at 248-778-5253.
Come out to an Oakland County Sport Fishing Club meeting…the third Wednesday of the month @ 7PM.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous new year!
Christopher Finazzo
President, Oakland County Sport Fishing Club
248.778.5253 [email protected]