OCSC – 5 Gun Raffle
April 26, 2023
Sub-Club Charity Aluminum Challenge Results
April 27, 2023Coming up on May 19-21 is our Spring Rendezvous event! In addition to cap lock, flintlock and trade gun shooting, participants will compete in black powder pistol shooting, knife and tomahawk throwing, flint and steel fire starting, and primitive archery. Prizes are awarded for best scores in various events. Mark your calendars.
A Rendezvous is an event where we try to recreate the Rendezvous of the 1700-1800s when fur traders would gather at a known location to trade the fur pelts they trapped all year for the necessities they would need to survive the coming year in the wilderness. Period accurate tents and equipment is required if setting up in the primitive campground. Any items that are modern are to be hidden out of sight. Period attire is not required but would be appreciated. Guests are welcome to visit and experience the gathering. Trappers were a competitive lot, and this event will be no different. In addition to cap lock, flintlock and trade gun shooting, participants will compete in black powder pistol shooting, knife and tomahawk throwing, flint and steel fire starting, and primitive archery. Prizes are awarded for best scores in the various events. Mark your calendars.
Muzzleloaders meet the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm.