Continued Thanks
November 1, 2022
Welcome New Members
November 1, 2022Saturday, January 14th, 2023. Doors/Bar open at 5:00pm
Dinner Served at 7:00pm
Dinner will go back to traditional fare and possibly include bison, elk, venison, wild boar, etc. A salad, soup, and vegetables are to be included. The final menu will be a work in progress, but our expert chefs and a band of club hunters are working on making sure you have a wonderful experience. Donations of wild game will be accepted.
The Prize raffle table will include many upgrade Prize Opportunities. A card gun card raffle will also be held. Please make sure you are eligible to receive firearms before participating.
If you wish to volunteer for this even, please contact Kerry Bush, [email protected] or call the office to be put on the list.