Yes, the “Mystery Safe Raffle” is on!
October 25, 2023
Club Manager Notes – November 2023
November 1, 2023From the President – November 2023
Well, it’s October 16th and I finally made it into the woods for some bow hunting, my favorite time of year! Speaking of bow hunting, I hope everyone is staying safe and if you’re climbing a tree, using a safety harness.
Next, I got to spend the previous weekend with a group of 17 fellow club members. We went to Lewiston Sportsman’s Club, mostly shotgunners but a few rifle and pistol shooters too, and I don’t want to mention any names but man can Jan Kramer put a rifle shot on those clays when they come to a stop in mid air! After we got done shooting, we all got together for a fire-cooked steak dinner and an evening bonfire. It was a great weekend hanging out with fellow club members. Don’t try to ask anyone what the shooting scores were, because as I kept reminding everyone “what happens in the north woods stays in the north woods.”
Anyway, let’s move back to what’s going on at the club. The new stoves have arrived and man they are nice. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped slide around the 1300 lb. Boxes. (fun!) The club is kind of quiet with both racing clubs done for the season.
Speaking of racing, club member Jay Pastrana approached me during Waterford Hills appreciation day and said “I’m taking you for a ride.” WOW! What a ride it was! I never realized the forces your body endures going around that track. I only made it 2 laps and that was enough for me! Those racers stay out there sometimes for 20 minutes! Whew! I think I’ll stick to hunting and fishing.
I’d also like to give a shout out to everyone who has been cutting and chopping wood for our cookouts! It’s a lot of work and the amount of wood we go through to successfully cook those steaks is staggering.
Okay, I’ve wasted enough of your time and I have to get back to waiting for the big buck (or maybe even a little buck) to walk under my stand.
I leave you with one sad note, “God speed, Jerry Pintar.” Your presence at OCSC will be greatly missed…..