Congratulations Ryohei Horiba!
May 1, 2023
Oakland County Sportsman
May 1, 2023From the President – May 2023
Hooooray!!! It looks like spring has finally sprung! Speaking of spring many thanks to all of the volunteers that showed up April 8th for the annual grounds clean-up, it looks great out there!
The club has been abuzz with all the sub-clubs having their own work bee events as they prepare to move outdoors.
Archery had their winter awards banquet on April 15th with over 200 attendees. Having said that, I would like to personally thank the entire league secretaries who make this happen.
I’m noticing lots more Quarter midget families starting to shake the winter dust off and getting some practice laps in.
Last but not least, I would like to thank you, the members, who for the most part, have remained patient while we go through our first year of online renewals and our first year of a new proximity card access system. I will admit there were a few un-foreseen hiccups along the way, but we got through it.
Now, I would like to thank Kelly Finazzo, who has taken on the task of tirelessly inputting in all of the membership information into the new system, great job Kelly! She also reported to me that we are at 1,247 paid memberships which mean we are only 253 members away from having a full membership! This means that we would have to bring back a waiting list, which we haven’t had since 2001! That tells us that WEEE must be doing something right. Maybe it’s because of all the new special events and generally being more accessible and friendly.
So, everyone go out and find a potential new member and let’s hit the magic 1,500 soon.
That being said, I hope to see all of you at the club!