Welcome New Members – June 2023
June 1, 2023
WHRRI – Sticky Tires New Letter – June 2023
June 1, 2023From the President – June
Greetings one and all!
Wow! Things are hoppin here at OCSC! It all started on May 5th with our first ever Cinco de Mayo party, complete with a taco bar and music with Whiskey Business. We rocked till the early morning! Thanks to all the volunteers that made this happen.
Then, on May 6th we had our annual Youth Adventure Day, where 72 kids got to experience everything our club has to offer, like archery, fishing, shooting and much more! This was a great day for the club to shine! It also happened to coincide with WHRRI’s first race weekend and the quarter midgets had a track full, so the kids got to experience all of our awesome club!
Again, I can’t say thank you enough to all of the volunteers who make these events possible.
Last, but not least, our campground is being utilized with all the nice weather, just remember to please stop at the club office and register your camper. Also keep in mind this is not a trailer storage lot. We only have 20 sites and this is a big club with plenty of folks who want to camp here.
Come on out and enjoy the club.