Shotgun News – January 2023
January 1, 2023
Oakland County Sportsman Magazine February 2023
January 14, 2023A letter from Romania:
If you’re following the news, Europe is where all the action is nowadays — we have something like 5000 troops in Romania and another 6000 in Poland, probably 100,000 in all of Europe at this point – so things are hoppin.
Your care packages, of course, as always, have been very well-received, the stuff disappears within days – as here on this base we only have a small PX with some of the necessities, and with 5000 troops – including Italians, Canadians, French and Romanians – using it, things don’t last long on the shelves.
So the little pocket meals and small cans, microwave-ables, and beef jerky, chips, pretzels, popcorn, pistachios, sweet stuff like MnMs – anything that’ll hold over a soldier who missed a meal at the mess hall, really anything like that is a big hit. They’re living in tents, for the most part, with no kitchen facilities, but there’s usually a microwave oven somewhere nearby.
We got so many packages that the Chaplain Assistant stationed herself outside the chapel and handed them out to passing soldiers – who heard about this treasure, and next thing we knew, more soldiers were knocking on our door asking for a box. But it’s getting much colder out, and we can’t really rely on that system.
Once again, we can’t thank you enough for your fantastic job, I’ll try to get you more photos, and perhaps other addresses in Bulgaria and our other locations, but in the meantime, you’re amazing, keep up the great work, only blessings to you and yours and everyone with you, and thank you again!
Area Support Activity – Black Sea
Mihail Kogălniceanu Airbase, Romania
Novo Selo Training Area, Bulgaria
Michigan Units are currently deployed to Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria and UAE in support of U.S. Central Command.
156th Expeditionary Signal Battalion of the MIARNG (Howell)
1436th Engineer Company of the MIARNG (Montague)
125th Infantry Regiment of the MIARNG (Saginaw)
“Michiganders who serve in uniform put their lives on the line to keep us safe,” said Governor Whitmer. “As we celebrate the holidays, we must recognize the immense sacrifices they make so we can live freely. Right now, many active duty service members are apart from their families, working hard, oceans away from Michigan.
Louise “Desert Angel” Downs Blain
248 736 6403