OCSC April Magazine
March 21, 2022
Calling All Talent!
March 25, 2022Conservation Corner March 22
This year I had help at the Clinton River Watershed Counsel’s STONEFLY SEARCH. Fellow club member Eric Zasacky joined me on January 22nd slogging around in the river looking for Stonefly Larva. Our search was hampered by the amount of ice covering our part of the Clinton River. It has been very cold for weeks at a time, which is great for ice fishing, but not so much for looking for water bugs. We did not find any again this year, but there was an abundance of other types of aquatic larva found. We had a good time, shared some knowledge about the river and didn’t die so I consider the morning a success. We also enjoyed a visit from one of our local DNR Conservation Officers Danielle Zubek who stopped to see that first, there was nothing wrong, second that we were both safe, and then third, jokingly questioned our sanity. I do have to agree, it is a bit nuts….. The report will be posted on the OCSC website when it is available.
As club members of the Oakland County Sportsmen’s Club (OCSC), we are all also members of The Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC). One of the many benefits of this arrangement is that we are all eligible to receive the ‘Michigan Out of Doors’ magazine ELECTRONICALLY. It has come to my attention that you may be having difficulty receiving it electronically. First know that the magazine is published QUARTERLY not monthly. You should be getting an email from Nick Green (who is the editor of Michigan Out of Doors) that contains the link to the electronic version of the magazine. You must click on that link to gain access to the magazine.
If you are not receiving an email from Nick or MUCC there are a few things you need to do. First, check your JUNK or SPAM folder. Your email service may be selecting the MUCC email as Spam. Next, make sure that both OCSC and MUCC have your current and correct email address. I know..crazy concept, but just like the U.S. Postal Service…if the address is wrong …..it will not get to you. If you have done both of those things and still aren’t
having any luck, please contact MUCC ( email [email protected] or their website www.mucc.org ) and make sure they have your correct contact information. You must also be an active OCSC member.
If you would like the PRINT edition you can upgrade for $20 once you login to the MUCC website.
Yours in Conservation,
Chris Finazzo, 248.778.5253
[email protected]