Shotgun News
December 1, 2023
December 1, 2023At every general membership meeting, we all mumble our way through the conservation pledge we have adopted from MUCC. It is written on the back of our membership cards, and it is posted on the wall in the meeting hall….. but, my question to you all is, do we actually follow that pledge and act like a Conservation club?
As a club, we do not recycle our plastic or paper, we do not compost our food waste, we do not limit our use of Styrofoam and other non-reusable or non-recyclable plastics. Why not start a recycling program? I think we can and should be doing better.
It may cost a few pennies more for each takeout container but with the unpredictable supply of oil and rapid fluctuations in oil pricing, plastics and Styrofoam are costing more every day. Do we really need plastic straws or stir sticks? Seriously, how much work is it to develop a composting process for food waste or to find a local worm farm that may be happy to take it off our hands?
Think about these things at home and especially here at the Oakland County Sportsmen’s club. Then talk to our club leader ship, whether it’s members of the Executive Board, the Trustees, the Board of Directors or our office staff. I know how I feel about this topic but please let the Club’s leadership know how you feel.
I will soon be stepping away from my role as the Conservation Committee and MUCC representative. If you are interested in taking over this very rewarding position, please contact your executive board members or the office.
I am hoping the new year ahead will bring us all Peace, Love, Understanding, and maybe just a little less waste.
If you have any conservation or habitat improvement ideas or would like to participate in OCSC’s conservation efforts please contact me at [email protected]
Yours in Conservation
Chris Finazzo
[email protected]