JOAD (Junior Olympic Archery) SAM (Society for Archery in Michigan) Tournament January 6th, 2022
February 25, 2022
Sticky Tires Newsletter
February 25, 2022Archery Club News
Leagues and Instructional Archery are up and running! It is great to see the club so busy again! Most leagues are pretty full again and the Township Instructional program is over capacity!
Saturday Instructional is also picking up.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our League Secretaries and Instructors for the great job they do! We have a great group keeping the Leagues and Instructional programs running smoothly.
Along with Leagues and the Instructional programs we have managed to fit a number of shoots into the busy schedule. We had our third Smackdown Shoot on January 15th with great attendance. These shoots are popular and get bigger with each event.
We hosted the Tri-County FITA Tournament the weekend of January 29th and 30th.
It was great to see a good number of our club members and JOAD youth shoot in this tournament. Right now we are preparing for several State SAM Tournaments during the month of February.
One exciting event coming up, we will be hosting is an IAA 5 Spot Challenge with sponsorship from TDS Archery in Fraser, Mi. on March 12th. There are some great payouts to be won. This shoot should draw quite a number of very good archers and will be limited to 48 shooters.
The Club Championship is scheduled March 19th and 20th make sure to get this on your calendar and get signed up!
Thanks to everyone that came out and helped with the first Archery Fish Fry of the year. The Archery Club was well represented. We have also had a lot of help with the shoots and tournaments from our members and it is appreciated.
Join us at the monthly Archery Meeting to see what’s going on, and what we are planning around the Archery Club. We have had a number of members join the meeting recently and we welcome your input.
If you would like to be put on distribution for the Archery Club Meeting minutes please contact me with your e-mail address.
I hope to see you at the Archery Club,
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President
Check the Archery Club Website
http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news, as well as our Facebook page at: