The Bite – September 2022
September 1, 2022
September 2022
September 1, 2022As I write this month’s Archery article the Broadhead Leagues have just started. Early indications are that these leagues will be very well attended again this year. These are only eight-week leagues and seem to be over fast! I would encourage everyone to come out and try these leagues. Even if you have not joined a league come out on a league day and shoot the course. It is very good practice for the upcoming archery season.
As a reminder, the BowHunter Jamboree is coming up on the weekend of September 10th and 11th. We have new chairpersons this year so expect some interesting changes.
The indoor leagues will start out with the Flint League starting on September 27th at 7:00pm. This is a really fun tar-get league that you shoot from various distances ranging from 7 up to 30 yards. It moves quickly and is a lot of fun.
With the start of the Broadhead leagues, the Wednesday morning workbees have ended for the year. A big thanks to everyone that came out and supported the workbees this year! We accomplished a lot but there is always work to be done year-round at Archery. As a member, if you see something that needs to be done and you have a passion to work on it, see one of the board members and we can help support you in accomplishing the project.
As an update, the indoor range lighting upgrade is in progress and is expected to be complete in time for the start of the indoor leagues. When complete, it should provide better lighting in the range as well as a cost and maintenance savings.
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building.
If you would like to be put on distribution for the Archery Club Meeting minutes please contact me with your e-mail address.
Enjoy the rest of this good weather and get out shooting!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President
Check the Archery Club Website
http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news
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