Clan of the Wolf – May 2024
May 1, 2024
Oakland County Sportsman – May 2024
May 1, 2024

The Winter Banquet occurred April 13th at the Main Club. We had our usual large group of Archers of all ages. Camaraderie filled the hall with table games and bragging rights for those who won their league. Ed Lee was awarded the high honor of Archer of the Year! Thanks goes out to Sebrina and her helpers for decorating the hall. The food was delicious thanks to Kathy and the cooking staff. We also found Woody the Woodpecker who keeps putting holes in the trim boards.
April 27 & 28 at 9 am – 3 pm Troop 189 Eagle Scout candidate Jacob Fielbrandt will be helping
Archery build a staircase at the north end of the Lake Course. Come out and show your support. Work hours will be provided to members who come to help.
On April 27th we will be holding an outdoor Flashlight Zombie Shoot. We will have a bonfire with food and pop available. The shoot will start at dusk or approximately 7:30pm. We are hoping for better weather this year!
Outdoor Summer Leagues are starting May 1st!
FITA League – May 1st (Wednesday) starting at 600pm.
Field & Hunter Leagues – May 2nd (Thursday) starting at 9:00am and 4:00pm.
3D Leagues – May 7th (Tuesday) starting at 9:00am and 4:00pm (done by 6:30pm).
Youth Instructional – May 7th (Tuesday) starting at 5:00pm.
JOAD – Sundays on the FITA Field at 1:30-4:00 pm.
(Outdoor Leagues run 12 weeks. Youth Instructional runs for 5 weeks).
May 4th is Junior Adventure Day. The indoor range will be full of young archers for the day. Contact Ron Elam if you would like to help at [email protected].
3D Money Shoots return Sundays, May 5th and May 19th at 2:00pm. We will shoot at 20-3D targets using ASA scoring. Come out and go for the money!
May 11th is Hunter Safety Class field class on the indoor range. Hunter Safety Classes start May 4th. More info, contact Shawn Shilling at [email protected].
Workbees continue on Wednesday mornings at 9 am on the Field & Hunter course with relocating targets and general clean up. Also, the Signature Stand construction crew will start building now that we have our building permit approved by the township. If you would like to help, Contact Rick Hotchkiss at [email protected] for days and times. We also have individual projects for those who cannot make it on weekdays like me.
Archery swag is now available through Logos & Letters! Archery hats, shirts, and sweatshirts in many different styles and colors, including women’s. All will be available to order and pay for online, then pick up locally. Check out the merchandise cabinet at the Archery Club to view some samples. Go online and order at this website: https://logosnlettersmi.com/oakland-county-sportsman-club/ Or scan the attached QR code to take you to the website!
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building starting at 7:00pm.
I encourage you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
In closing, I would like to thank Mike McGinnis for all his hard work as president of the Archery Club. Mike has agreed to stay on the Archery Board as vice-president of Archery. I will certainly be leaning on him as I take on this new role!
There is nothing like shooting archery in the great outdoors!
John Borth
Archery Club President