Oakland County Sportsman – June 2023
May 22, 2023
Highlights of Junior Sportsmen’s Adventure Day!
May 30, 2023Summer leagues are underway!
The Leagues are running as follows:
Tuesday 3D Leagues start at 9:00am and 4:00pm.
Wednesday, we have a FITA League that starts at 6:00pm.
Thursday Field & Hunter Leagues start at 9:00m and 4:00pm.
These leagues all run for 12 weeks so it’s not too late to get involved or at least come out and find
out what the leagues are all about.
The Archery Reverse Raffle was a great success as all available tickets sold out!
I want to thank everyone again, for their support by buying a ticket. The raffle drawing took place on Saturday April 22nd. The grand prize winners were Jim Askins and Dan Tatu who shared the $2500. The proceeds will give us a great start on the construction of the Signature Shooting Stand. With the busy summer ahead of us a construction start date has not been determined yet.
On the evening of Saturday April 29th, we held a Flashlight Shoot. We shot Zombie targets in the dark and enjoyed a
nice bonfire. We changed things up a little this year which everyone seemed to enjoy. We had a candle-lite course
path and cooked hotdogs over the bonfire. We had a good turnout despite the weather not fully cooperating. Several
of the shooters came back a little damp thanks to a rainstorm that blew quickly!
With all that big events coming up this summer I want to list them again so you can get them on your calendar.
– June 3rd and 4th is the State MAA 420 on the racetrack infield starting at 8:30am both days.
– June 9th – 10th is the Traditional Shoot weekend.
– June 17th and 18th is the NFAA Great Lakes Outdoor Sectional starting at 9:00am both days.
– July 1st is the Midwest Safari Triple Crown with a shotgun start at 9:00am.
– August 5th and 6th is the State MAA Championship on the racetrack infield starting at 9:00am both days.
– August 18th – 20th is the International Field Archery Association – North American Field Archery Championship
starting at 9:00am each day.
– September 9th and 10th is the Bowhunter Jamboree from 9:00am to 2:00pm both days.
We are trying Wednesday evening workbees along with our regular Wednesday morning workbee to give our
members a chance to get involved, help out, and get some work hours in. Our current focus is getting all the outdoor
foam target bales replaced or rebuilt. This is a big job with various tasks involved.
Please join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at
7:00pm in the Archery Club Building.
Make sure you check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
As always, I encourage you to come and get involved with the Archery Club. We have a great group of people!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President