WHRRI Sticky Tires News Letter – July 2023
July 1, 2023
Welcome New Members – July 2023
July 1, 2023Summer has just start and it seems as we are moving along at a fast pace with all the events scheduled for this summer. Leagues are moving right along and we just finished two of our big events for the summer with another coming right up!
On the weekend of June 3rd and 4th we held the MAA420 on the racetrack infield. The infield always presents some interesting shooting conditions. Not only is it a unique venue for a tournament but the weather can also be a challenge! On Saturday it was very warm and Sunday we had a very windy day. Attendance was a little lower this year but, I think everyone that came out to shoot had a great weekend!
The Traditional Archery weekend has also just concluded. Our club members did an awesome job with the course and fun shoots. The grill was going and there were some good eats to be had! After weeks of beautiful weather Mother Nature decided, it was going to rain on Sunday but, luckily it didn’t seem to affect the shoot too much.
As I write this months article we are preparing for another major shoot coming right up. We will be hosting the NFAA Great Lakes Sectional on June 17th and 18th. This is a Field and Hunter shoot on our more technical course.
On July 1st we will be holding a brand new event the, Midwest Safari Triple Crown. The first event in the Triple Crown was held in South Bend, Indiana several weeks ago and there many good reviews about the shoot. This shoot is on the Field and Hunter course shooting high-quality paper animal targets from varying distances, with some out to 80 yards. There are money and fun classes for everyone to compete in. Registration is open now for this shoot. Check our Facebook page and website.
In August, on the 5th and 6th we will be hosting the MAA Target Championship again this year, on the racetrack
infield. If you want to experience an awesome venue and shoot you better get signed up for this one since it will be moving to another club next year.
On August 18th thru the 20th another new event is coming to our club which will be drawing archers from other countries. We will be hosting the International Field Archery Association – North American Field Archery Championship. This is sure to generate some good publicity for our club!
To finish up the summer events we will be holding our 50th Anniversary Bowhunter Jamboree on September 9th and 10th. Don’t miss this one!
Much work has been done this summer, and is continuing to be done, to get our outdoor courses in good shape for all the events and for our leagues.
One thing that has been noticed is the lack of our own club members at many of these events. Its puzzling to me why so many of our own club members don’t participate at the events at our club. I don’t know if it’s the lack of knowledge about these shoots or maybe some of our club members are nervous to compete on the same stage with many of the area’s best archers. One thing is for sure these events are fun and you meet many great new people. If you aren’t competing at a high level, believe me, no one cares about your score! I would really like to encourage our club members to come out and take part in these events. I think once you break the ice you will find out what you have been missing.
Please join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Archery Club Building.
Make sure you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
As always, I encourage you to come and get involved with the Archery Club. We have a great group of people!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President