Meaning Behind the 13 Folds of the Flag
February 1, 2023
February Magazine 2023
February 1, 2023Winter Archery Leagues are all up and running strong. All indications are that the league numbers are up this year. I’ve seen a number of new faces this year, which is great.
It’s not too late to join a league or at least come out and try one. Many new members have asked me about leagues, and after I do my best to describe the various leagues, I recommend to them to show up on a league day and see for yourself. You can pay the league fee for that day and shoot along.
The reverse raffle tickets being sold at Archery are available now. As mentioned previously we are selling raffle tickets to build a Signature Shooting Stand. This will be a unique and impressive shooting stand at the club. We will be selling these tickets at leagues, General Membership meetings, at the bar (see Kim or Tammy), also, any Archery Club Board Member will have them. The grand prize for this raffle is $2500.00. There will be $50 payouts every 25th ticket drawn. The drawing will be April 22, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Main Club House. Please support the Archery Club by picking up a ticket or two before they are gone! Only 150 tickets will be sold! Check out the flyer in the magazine.
Something to get on your calendar for later this summer. We will be hosting the 2nd leg of the Midwest Safari Triple Crown trail shoot. This is something new to this region of the country. The shoot will take place on July 1st. It will consist of 26 high-quality paper animal targets shot on our Field and Hunter course. Shots will be at various distances reaching out to 80 yards. Expectations are high for this event. Watch for flyers to be posted for the event.
Remember you are welcome to come to the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building. We welcome your input!
Come out and get involved with this great sport, you will be happy you did.
Mike McGinnis
Check the Archery Club Website
http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news
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