Welcome New Members!
December 1, 2023
OCSC Has a Float in the Clarkston Holiday Parade!
December 7, 2023Time for activities to start ramping up around the Archery Club! December is going to prove to be a busy month ahead of Winter Leagues starting the first week of January.
On Friday December 1st we will be hosting a “Flights Smackdown” at 6:00pm.
The following Friday, December 8th we will hosting a ‘Winner Take’s All’ Smackdown also start-ing at 6:00pm. These Smackdowns are open to all so feel free to come out and compete with some of the best archers in the area. Check the Club Magazine and Archery Facebook page for details.
On December 15th, 16th, and 17th we will be hosting an IAA Indoor 3D shoot.
There will be an evening line on Friday the 15th at 7:00pm, a 9:00am morning and 1:00pm afternoon line on Saturday the 16th, and a 10:00am morning line on Sunday the 17th. This shoot is open to everyone and there is a class for every-one to shoot in! Watch for an announcement on the date registration will start for this shoot.
Winter Leagues and Instructional start the first week in January as follows:
January 2nd (Tuesday) – Animal League at 7:00pm
January 3rd (Wednesday) – NFAA League at 9:30am
January 4th (Thursday) – NFAA League at 6:00pm
January 5th (Friday) – NFAA League at 7:00pm
January 6th (Saturday) – Instructional Archery Sessions start at 8:00am and 10:00am.
– Youth League at 1:00pm (10 week league)
January 7th (Sunday) – FITA League (450Round) at 6:00pm
January 8th (Monday) – Traditional Leagues at 9:00am and 7:00pm
All leagues (unless noted) are 12 weeks in length. Check the archery club website for a comprehensive description of the leagues.
We will have our first Sunday Indoor 3D shoot of the new year on January 14th.
The shoot runs from 9:00am until 2:00pm.
The next Instructional Program through the Township Parks and Recs will start on Wednesday January 17th with sessions at 4:30pm and 6:30pm. These sessions run for 10 weeks. You are advised to sign up early as the last session filled up quickly.
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Archery Club Building starting at 7:00pm.
Our entire 2024 Archery Schedule will be posted on our Archery Website listed below.
I encourage you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
I hope you all had a wonderful Fall and are ready for the Winter events to begin!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President