Shadow – Remembering Darlene Perry
August 1, 2023
DR Wilson News – August 2023
August 1, 2023As I sit down to write this month’s article, we only have a couple of weeks left of our summer leagues. It is incredible how fast summer goes. The Summer Leagues Banquet will take place on August 1st starting at 5:30pm. This is for the 3D, FITA, and Field & Hunter Leagues.
At the conclusion of our Summer Leagues, we start right up with some of our more popular Broadhead leagues! The Broadhead Leagues start as follows:
Tuesday August 1st with a start time of 4:00pm, Wednesday August 2nd with a start time of 9:00am, and on Thursday
August 3rd with a start time of 4:00pm.
These are 8-week long leagues and are a great way to get tuned up for the upcoming hunting season. Get your teams together and come out and enjoy these fun leagues!
If you have any questions about the league, check our archery website for a comprehensive description of the leagues at http://ocscarchery.org.
Within the last month we have held two of our summer’s major shoots. On June 17th and 18th, we held the NFAA Great Lakes Sectional on our very challenging Field & Hunter course. This shoot drew a lot of very good archers from our area. On July 1st we brought a new shoot to our club. We were the host of the Midwest Safari Triple Crown’s 2nd leg. This shoot created a lot of excitement. It was a brand-new format, and was very well publicized. We shot at 28 high quality paper animal targets, with orange scoring dots, on our Field & Hunter courses. There were classes for everyone with both money and fun categories. We filled the course and were at near capacity with 103 archers on the course. There were many great comments about the shoot and the course was in great shape. We even filled the bar afterward with a lot of the archers that came to the event! It was wonderful to see a lot of our own members shooting in this event!
As previously mentioned on August 5th and 6th we will be hosting the MAA Target Championship again this year, on the racetrack infield. If you want to experience an awesome venue and shoot you better get signed up for this one since it will be moving to another club next year. Even if you don’t participate in the shoot, you owe it to yourself to at least come out and watch some of the best archers in the area compete.
On August 18th thru the 20th another new event is coming to our club which will be drawing archers from countries outside of the US. We will be hosting the International Field Archery Association – North American Field Archery Championship. This is sure to generate some good publicity for our club! Personally I can’t wait to see where the participants come from.
To finish up the summer events we will be holding our 50th Anniversary Bowhunter Jamboree on September 9th and 10th. Do not miss this one!
In closing this month’s article, I want to thank everyone that has come out and put in some long work hours to get our outdoor courses in great shape for all the events and leagues we have had this summer. There is still a lot of work to be done but, our courses are getting some long overdue repairs and upgrades. The hard work is not going unnoticed!
Please join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Archery Club Building.
Make sure you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
As always, I encourage you to come and get involved with the Archery Club. We value your opinion to make this club even better than it already is! We have a great group of people!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President