Vice President’s Corner – November 2023
November 1, 2023
The Clan of the Wolf – November 2023
November 1, 2023This is considered the slow time around the Archery Club, however, there is still a lot happening!
The Flint League is running on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm and the Women’s League is going strong on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. It’s not too late to come out and shoot along with one of these leagues.
JOAD started back up on October 1st with a good turnout. Also, Instructional Archery has started on Wednesday evenings. The Instructional Archery program has a very large turnout this year, which is a good indicator of the inter-est in learning to shoot archery.
Even with the events that are going on there is still plenty of open range time to come out and practice for the upcoming Winter Leagues. Winter Leagues will be starting the first week in January.
As I write this month’s article the schedule for the upcoming year is being finalized. It’s really amazing how fast a schedule can fill up! Everyone should be excited and pleased with the schedule for this coming year.
Workbees have pretty much wrapped up for this year except for a few cleanup items. The Indoor Range screens have been rebuilt and are ready for the upcoming Smackdowns and Winter Leagues, the pole barns have been cleaned, and the outdoor courses have been picked up.
When you come into the Archery Building you will notice that all the carpets have been cleaned. I would like to encourage everyone to help keep you club neat and clean. Please do your part to pick up after yourself and make sure the club is left tidy after leagues and in general when you use the club. It’s nice to come and use a neat well maintained club.
Pretty soon I will be sending out a note asking for Winter League Secretaries. We may have a few opening this year so please let me know if you are interested. The League Secretaries shoot their league for free or get club hours.
I am still hoping to find a Secretary for the Archery Club Board of Directors. If you are interested or know someone that might be, please contact me.
Come join us at the monthly Archery Club Meeting. The meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Archery Club Building.
I encourage you to check the Archery Club Website often at http://ocsc-archery.org for the latest club news as well as our Facebook page at https://www.faceboook.com/OcscArchery.
I hope everyone that has been in the woods this fall for archery season has been successful!
Mike McGinnis
Archery Club President